Whitewater Rafting on the California Salmon River
Salmon rises in the Salmon - Trinity Alps Primitive Area, one of the most
isolated regions in the state, at the base of the Sawtooth, the only glacier
in California's coastal range. The "Cal-Salmon" --so called to
distinguish it from
the better-known Salmon River in Idaho--is a charter member of the state
Wild and Scenic Rivers System as well as one of the finest whitewater runs
in the country. Until the late 1970's only a few kayakers had boated this
river. Tom Foster, Bill Wing and Jim Cassady pioneered rafting here, and
the river quickly became popular. But the river is rarely crowded.
Photos courtesy of All-Outdoors California Whitewater
Whitewater rafters soon find themselves in an intimate, steep-walled gorge,
where sparkling green waters splash through an exhilarating series of Class
IV - V rapids separated by deep quiet pools. Heavy precipitation -- 80 inches
a year on average -- encourages the growth of lush forests along the river
and feeds the brilliant side creeks that often drop down spectacular cascades
into the main stream. Even in June, storms can move in quickly, so always
bring wetsuits. The run can be extended by putting in at Methodist Creek
on the South Fork, six miles above Forks of Salmon, and by running the Ikes
section of the Klamath and taking out at Orleans.
Excerpted from California Whitewater
by Jim Cassady & Fryar Calhoun
General Information
- Put-In: Forks of Salmon or Nordheimer Campground
- Difficulty: Class V
- Length: 19 miles
- Season: April - June
- Gradient: 47 feet per mile overall
- Runnable Levels: 500 to 5000 cfs
- Take-out: Somes Bar or Oak Bottom Campground.